photo 1: good morning little sunshine
photo 2: little feet
photo 3: playing with baby doll (she was showing me the face her baby was making, so funny)
photo 4: brushing teeth
photo 5: reading (favorite books: Jesus Storybook Bible, The Little Cricket, Five Little Monkeys)
photo 6: more reading (we love to read!)
photo 7: favorite pink blankie (She loves pink and believes that if something is pink it belongs to her.)
photo 8: snack time (fishy crackers)
photo 9: my beautiful Phia is getting so big
photo 10: little wink
photo 11: lunch time (favorite: peanut butter and jelly)
photo 12: nap time
photo 13: waking up from nap
photo 14: peak-a-boo
photo 15: playing with horses
photo 16: bath time
photo 17: learning to hold up two fingers
not pictured: breakfast of pumpkin bread and fruit, taking Abbey and Ethan to school, crying the whole drive because she forgot her backpack, picking up the kids, gathering fall leaves, playing outside during Abigail's dance class, playing at the park, fighting over the slide with Ethan, holding hands with her big sister while walking back to the car, cooking dinner with mommy, eating dinner of English Muffin Pizzas and carrots, coloring on the chalk board walls while Abigail practiced her spelling words, singing songs, horse ride on mommy's back, playing piano while Abigail and Ethan tried to practice, (she wants so badly to be just like her big sister and brother), holding baby sister Strawberry Gracie, hugs and kisses to and from daddy, good night.